How Data Center Management is Evolving

May 2, 2022
Leaders in the data center and enterprise space are looking at data center and connected infrastructure in a fundamentally new way. Learn how data center management for a REIT or data center provider is evolving in a special report courtesy of CBRE.

The evolution of data center management, the shift to hyperscale, and REITS are just some of the topics covered in a recent Data Center Frontier special report. Today’s modern IT environment requires organizations to be agile in all aspects of business. Not only do organizations need to navigate an environment where technology is constantly changing and evolving, but they must also be flexible enough to quickly scale their business in response to changing market and business demands.

Focusing on Data Center Expertise,” courtesy of CBRE, takes a look at how data center facility management is evolving REIT and data center provider operational models. Check out our recent article series focused on the special report:

Get the full report.

Download the entire paper, “Focusing on Data Center Expertise,” courtesy of CBRE, to learn more.

About the Author

Kathy Hitchens

Kathy Hitchens has been writing professionally for more than 30 years. She focuses on the renewable energy, electric vehicle, utility, data center, and financial services sectors. Kathy has a BFA from the University of Arizona and a MBA from the University of Denver.  

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