Top 10 Data Center Stories of January 2022

Feb. 2, 2022
Future trends and the emerging metaverse were hot topics on Data Center Frontier last month. Here are the 10 most popular stories on Data Center Frontier in January 2022.

The future is the big theme for January at Data Center Frontier, as our three most popular stories offered insights into technologies and trends that will move the industry forward.

The top story was our annual forecast. The other emerging theme was metaverse technologies and their impact on data center growth and uptime.

Here are the 10 most popular stories on Data Center Frontier in January 2022, in order of article views:

Education is part of our mission at Data Center Frontier. In our Voices of the Industry feature, we share the experience of data center executives on the front lines of innovation. Here’s a look at the most popular Voices columns for DCF readers last month:

  • State of the European Data Center Market in 2022 (Iron Mountain): Demand for data centers is exploding in Europe and continues to grow. There has been an influx of global capital investment in large markets like Frankfurt and London. Secondary markets are also growing. Eric Boonstra of Iron Mountain Data Centers Europe explores trends and discusses predictions for the European data center market in 2022.
  • Edge to Core Networking is Critical for IoT Devices, AI and Automation (Flexential):Workloads are becoming more distributed to support new generation apps and broader use of Machine Learning and AI to help make real-time decisions. Jason Carolan of Flexential explores why networking from the edge to core (and back to the edge) will be critical for IoT, AI, and automation.
  • Better Business, Better World: Why Sustainability-Linked Financing Will Influence the Data Center Industry (Aligned): While a sustainability-linked loan can be used for any purpose, the hallmark of this debt instrument is that the borrower’s performance is measured against predetermined sustainability objectives which affect the interest rate, incentivizing improved performance over time. Anubhav Raj, CFO of Aligned, explores how sustainability-linked financing will influence the data center industry in years to come.
  • Hybrid Microgrids Help Data Centers Achieve Net-Zero Goals (Enchanted Rock): Many large power consumers, like data centers, have corporate objectives of carbon neutrality, but find themselves having to achieve this through buying carbon credits to offset their carbon output. John Gould, Chief Revenue Officer of Enchanted Rock explores how hybrid microgrids can help data centers, and other large energy users, lead the way when it comes to achieving their net-zero carbon emission goals.

Be sure to check out all of our Voices columns, including insights from Park Place Technologies, Aligned, Data Aire, and Belden.

Keep pace with the fact-moving world of data centers and cloud computing by following us on Twitter and Facebook, connecting with Data Center Frontier editor Rich Miller on LinkedIn, and signing up for our weekly newspaper using the form below.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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