Inside Facebook’s Data Center Infrastructure

Sept. 29, 2015
What happens inside Facebook’s server farms? It’s a question many ask when Facebook suffers an outage. Here’s a look inside one of the company’s data centers.

What happens inside Facebook’s data centers? It’s a question many ask when Facebook suffers an outage, as it did Monday evening. While we wait to hear what’s behind these challenges, learn more about the massive infrastructure platform Facebook has created to support its 1.5 billion global users.

  • Super-Sizing the Cloud Campus: We bring you inside a Facebook data center campus in North Carolina, which showcases how Internet titans are concentrating massive amounts of computing power in regional cloud campuses housing multiple data centers.
  • Inside Facebook’s Blu-Ray Cold Storage Data Center: We take a look inside Facebook’s cold storage data center, where the Blu-Ray disks you use to watch movies can now store your Facebook photos and status updates.

If you’re interested in cloud infrastructure, check out our latest stories taking you inside hyperscale data centers :

  • Inside Amazon’s Cloud Computing Infrastructure: Amazon’s cloud computing platform has become critical to many of its more than 1 million customers. We look at how Amazon builds its data centers, and the scale and design of its infrastructure.
  • Regional Data Center Clusters Power Amazon’s Cloud: A look at where Amazon Web Services builds the data centers to power its massive cloud computing network. The company has built data center clusters in Virginia and Oregon, with new capacity coming soon in Ohio.
About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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