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16 Powerful Tips to Lower Your AWS Spending

July 22, 2022
Opus Interactive outlines popular tools that can help you make informed decisions about how to best allocate AWS resources and reduce costs.

If your organization is shifting from the traditional data center model to a pay-as-you-go approach, you must also shift your mindset to one more focused on optimizing your use of the cloud – otherwise you risk losing money. AWS is a popular choice among public cloud providers, due in large part to the cost savings it can offer. To actually achieve those savings, it’s critical that organizations understand how their applications are using AWS resources. But do you know how to measure these things? What tools are available? Which are the most important to use?

In this white paper, Opus Interactive outlines sixteen tips for lowering your AWS spending. The paper explains popular, yet often overlooked tools that can be used to help you make informed decisions about how to best allocate AWS resources and reduce costs.

The 16 tips are categorized by type, including EC2 instances, object storage, and monitoring and management.