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Hybrid and Multi-Cloud IT Executive Buyer’s Guide

April 27, 2022
Opus:Interactive outlines best practices and provides checklists for assessing your hybrid and multi-cloud needs.

In today’s fast moving IT environment, data center agility is critical for success. Establishing a hybrid or multi-cloud strategy is one key way to create an agile, scalable, and secure infrastructure for your businesses. But how do you know if this is the right solution for you? The first step is to identify both what you currently need and what you expect to need in the future to support your applications types and deployment locations.

This white paper from Opus:Interactive outlines best practices for getting workloads where you need, when you need, and how you need. Presented as a buyers guide, the paper provides a five-step approach to help IT teams successfully transition to multi-cloud.

Checklists are included to help users assess their needs. The paper presents 17 different multi-cloud use cases. If more than 4 are applicable to your business then a multi-cloud solution may be right for you. Additional checklists help you identify your needs in terms of multi-cloud operations and public and private cloud capabilities.