Innovation is one of the biggest buzzwords in the data center industry. New and challenging customer demands for higher densities, faster speeds, and the ability to quickly scale operations require data center builders and operators to innovate. The drive towards sustainability demands data center innovate. The very nature of a quickly evolving data center landscape necessitates innovation.
And so data centers innovate, focusing their efforts primarily on the technology needed to meet those demands for density and speed. But truly game changing data centers recognize that innovation must be a holistic process – it must are look beyond technology to every other aspect of the business. For a data center to keep pace with today’s ever changing market, disruptive innovation must happen across the entire organization.
Register today, at no cost, for the webinar, “Disruptive Innovation: Innovating Beyond Technology,” scheduled for Tuesday, April 19 at 2 p.m. EST.
Join Data Center Frontier’s Editor in Chief Rich Miller for an hour long webinar on Tuesday, April 19 at 2 p.m., when Rich will discuss disruptive data center innovation with Aligned’s CEO Andrew Schaap and CRO Eric Jacobs.
Attendees will learn how data center growth is driving a new era of innovation in real estate and financing, design and construction, sustainability, staffing, and most importantly – customer success. The discussion will include a deep dive on:
- Why innovation is critical across every facet of a data center business
- Challenges, trends, and requirements driving data center innovation
- Why it’s important that your data center service provider is innovating across multiple aspects of their business
There will be a live question and answer session during the event.
Don’t miss this live webinar and discussion on Tuesday, April 19. Register today for “Disruptive Innovation: Innovating Beyond Technology.”
(Can’t make the live event? Register now and get automatically notified when the session is available for ‘On Demand’ viewing.)

Kathy Hitchens
Kathy Hitchens has been writing professionally for more than 30 years. She focuses on the renewable energy, electric vehicle, utility, data center, and financial services sectors. Kathy has a BFA from the University of Arizona and a MBA from the University of Denver.