Liquid Cooling in the Spotlight

May 26, 2023
Liquid cooling is having a moment, as seen in the many demos on the expo floor at Data Center World. Here's a photo feature of some of the liquid cooling gear on display.

The Data Center World expo hall has played an interesting role in the trajectory of liquid cooling technologies. At the 2010 DCW expo I saw my first demonstration of single-phase immersion cooling from Green Revolution (now GRCooling). Two years later, the DCW expo had one of the first public demos of two-phase immersion cooling technology from 3M. 

Fast forward to this year, when the DCW expo floor hosted more liquid cooling vendors and demonstrations that we've ever seen. Almost everywhere you looked, there were exhibitors talking about the various strategies for liquid cooling, including all approaches to immersion and direct-to-chip cooling. That included folks from LiquidStack (with Trane Technologies), CoolIT, ZutaCore (with Chatsworth Products), Midas Immersion Cooling, Motivair and more. This slide show provides a closer look at some of these technologies on the expo floor.    

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