
Cooling Guidance for Data Center Density, Efficiency and Economy of Scale

Nov. 22, 2021
In all cooling applications where significant change can be expected for a building’s usage, future-ready flexibility is a foremost concern. A new white paper from Data Aire explains why fluidity in business and global economies requires flexibility.

In a world driven by digital transformation, an increased demand for remote connectivity, and an exponential growth in the need for data center resources, many organizations have pivoted their priorities to focus on building out their digital infrastructure. But, they’re facing some design challenges. As densities increase and more processing-intensive applications are introduced, each rack is generating more heat and needs more cooling. The result is that many data centers are seeing their current cooling systems pushed to the limit.

A new white paper from Data Aire explains why fluidity in business and global economies requires future-ready flexibility. The paper looks at key cooling scalability factors that data centers must address, including airflow management. The authors also discuss design considerations such as water usage, complexity, sustainability, and infrastructure.

The paper also discusses major concerns of higher-density racks, how cooling impacts data center energy efficiency, and why digital transitions are more manageable with customized cooling systems.