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High Density IT Cooling

June 21, 2022
Over the last ten years, power density in data centers has been on the rise, leaving many to wonder if the days of air cooling IT equipment are over. This report, courtesy of Technoguard, explores the world of high density cooling.

Over the last ten years, power density in data centers has been on the rise, leaving many to wonder if the days of air cooling IT equipment are over. Even as they wonder if liquid cooling is the only viable long-term solution, most new mainstream data centers are still being designed for air-cooled ITE. This, in turn, is driving manufacturers and data center operators to push the boundaries of what air cooling technology can do.

This new special report, courtesy of TechnoGuard, explores the world of high density IT cooling. The report explains the differences between air and liquid cooled systems. It also explains thermal boundaries, the physics of airflow, and how gaps under cabinets and between racks can impact a system’s cooling ability. While often less than a half inch, gaps can significantly impact airflow between the hot and cold aisles of a data center.

The report outlines several containment strategies for both cold and hot aisles and explains the importance of maintaining good “rack hygiene.”