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The Business Case for Data Center Geo Diversity

July 13, 2022
Geo diversity, or shortening the distance that your data travels, will allow you to reaching your user bases more effectively, and create better customer experiences. This white paper from Venyu explains the benefits of a geo-diverse data center partner.

As data demands accelerate, and customer tolerance for slow speeds decreases, businesses need to leverage data centers that have a strong geo-diversification strategy. Geo diversity allows you to reaching your user bases more effectively and create better customer experiences by shortening the distance that your data travels. It will also make your data more secure.

There are a number of things businesses should consider when selecting a geo-diverse, or edge data center. Data traveling through fiber optic cables goes faster than it would through copper, so you want a provider that has proximity to a fiber optic super system. You also want one that weaves multiple network connections together, which will be more reliable. Since many IT leaders consider data center security to be as important as network performance, you’ll want to make sure that the provide is investing in top tier cybersecurity talent.

This white paper from Venyu explains the benefits of a geo-diverse data center partner.