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Remote Management of Data Center Cabinets

Sept. 17, 2020
Explore beneficial applications, key capabilities, and monitoring and security capabilities to consider when selecting intelligent rack PDUs for use in laboratories, in remote/edge sites or when colocating enterprise-owned equipment into MTDCs.

With the shift of enterprise-owned Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment into multitenant data center (MTDC)/colocation sites and the anticipated growth of remote/edge sites, basic control of power for remotely located ICT equipment is becoming an important consideration in overall power management strategy. Laboratory environments face a similar challenge with the need to reboot equipment regularly during testing. Remote management capabilities are key.

Those responsible for remotely located ICT equipment or a laboratory environment stand to benefit from remote power control. Intelligent rack power distribution units (PDUs) with remote power control offer a simple, cost-effective solution, with a generally short return on investment.

This white paper explores the most beneficial applications for intelligent rack PDUs with remote power control, defines the key capabilities to require on intelligent track PDUs with remote power control, and lists additional monitoring and security capabilities that should be considered when selecting intelligent rack PDUs for use in laboratories, in remote/edge sites or when colocating enterprise-owned equipment into MTDCs.