New Technologies Shaping the Data Center Frontier

June 6, 2016
What will the data center look like in 5 years or 10 years? Here’s a closer look at the Internet of Things, virtual reality and machine learning, and what these new technologies may mean for the data centers that power your business and livelihood.

What will the data center look like in 5 years or 10 years? The design and location of data centers is always shaped by the technologies living inside these facilities. Trends like cloud computing and Big Data have driven significant changes in the look and feel of data center facilities.

We may be on the cusp of even greater changes that will have a profound influence on mission-critical infrastructure. In recent weeks we’ve done deep dives into three emerging technologies and their impact on the hardware being used in data centers, and the design and location of the facilities that will deliver these services.

The Internet of Things, virtual reality and machine learning may mean big changes for the data centers that power your business and livelihood. These stories will help you navigate the journey:

At Data Center Frontier, we chart the future of data centers and cloud computing – what’s next for the Internet, and the innovations that will take us there. Keep pace with the fact-moving world of data centers and cloud computing by following us on Twitter and Facebook, connecting with me on LinkedIn, and signing up for our weekly newsletter.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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