Businesses, healthcare facilities, data centers, critical infrastructure and more rely on diesel generators to keep operations running during emergencies and power outages. The challenge is that burning diesel creates pollutants that are harmful to the environment. The threat of climate change is real, and increasingly, so it the demand for more sustainable mission-critical power technologies. The generator industry has responded by optimizing engines to significantly reduce the release of harmful pollutants, as demanded by the EPA Tier 4 environmental standards. What other steps are manufacturers taking?
This white paper from Kohler outlines the strides manufacturers are making when it comes to improving the environmental performance of diesel generators. The first area the paper discusses is around the development of new maintenance techniques to further reduce emissions. Among those techniques are solutions for eliminating unnecessary fuel-burn.
The paper then looks at the ongoing development of renewable fuels such as hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO), which offer a number of benefits to mission-critical end-users. Kohler also explains the investments that generator manufacturers are making in future technologies such as batteries and fuel cells