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The Greener Future: A Guide to Using Environmental Management Solutions to Build Sustainable Data-Centric Spaces

Sept. 6, 2019
Learn the importance of environmental management, how the data center has evolved to support new kinds of cooling and efficiency methods, new capabilities around environmental design, what the future holds for the modern data center – and more.

New kinds of demands require modern organizations to rethink their data center environment, the way they deliver critical resources, and how they can improve overall efficiency within their infrastructure. The other big factor to remember is the distribution of IT has allowed the data center ecosystem to become even more distributed. New edge deployments and even more powerful hybrid solutions. requires new environmental management solutions.

Here’s the reality: The data center ecosystem will continue to evolve and become even more critical for the organization. Infrastructure efficiency has been a huge concern for many organizations.

So, here’s the big question: How do you manage all of this growth? Are you actually keeping an eye on how well your buildings and data centers are operating? Without good environmental design, you could be losing big dollars to efficiency, workload performance, and poor user experiences. 

In this guide we will examine the importance of environmental management, how the data center has evolved to support new kinds of cooling and efficiency methods, new capabilities around environmental design, and what the future holds for the modern data center – and more.

The new report from Data Aire will highlight how to use environmental management solutions to build sustainable data-centric spaces.