Closer Look: RagingWire’s New Ashburn Data Center Campus

Feb. 8, 2018
Data Center Frontier recently had a look inside the new RagingWire Data Centers campus in Ashburn in Loudoun County, where the company plans to build seven data centers. Check out our video tour.

ASHBURN, Va. – Data Center Frontier recently had a look inside the new RagingWire Data Centers campus in Ashburn in Loudoun County, where the company plans to build seven data centers.

Jim Leach, VP of Marketing at RagingWire, showed us around VA3, the first facility being brought online. The $160 million data center spans 245,000 square feet and supports 16 megawatts of critical load.

The new campus provides RagingWire with room for long-term growth in the hottest data center market on the planet. Ashburn is the heart of Northern Virginia’s “Data Center Alley,” where nearly all the industry’s leading players are building new facilities to meet unprecedented demand from cloud computing providers.

Here’s a closer look at RagingWire VA3 data center, providing an overview of the campus, data halls, and working spaces:

In its first two Ashburn facilities, RagingWire built its data center infrastructure inside existing powered shells. VA3 will be a greenfield project, customized from the ground up with a new design to support RagingWire’s vision for Internet-scale campuses in major markets across the United States. In that respect, RagingWire is following a similar path to QTS Data Centers, which is currently building its first greenfield data center campus in Ashburn.

For more about RagingWire, check out our profiles of the company’s data center campuses in Sacramento and Dallas, as well as an in-depth discussion with Leach about the data center industry as part of our Executive Roundtable.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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