WEBINAR: Liquid Immersion Cooling: Key to a Sustainable Future for the Data Center

Aug. 17, 2021
Join Rich Miller and a group of industry experts, including Joe Capes of LiquidStack, on August 26 for an informative webinar on liquid immersion cooling.

Liquid Immersion Cooling for data centers and HPC is a revolutionary approach to cooling. It’s more efficient, sustainable, and practical than air cooling or any other alternative. Despite having already been deployed at scale, and demonstrating its value in terms of energy, costs, and space savings, liquid immersion cooling hasn’t been widely adopted. What are the barriers to broader adoption, and what practical steps can be taken to realize the potential of this approach?

Register today, at no cost, for the webinar, “Liquid Immersion Cooling: Key to a Sustainable Future for the Data Center,” scheduled for August 26 at 2 p.m. EST. 

Join Data Center Frontier’s Editor in Chief Rich Miller for an hour long webinar on August 26, 2021 at 2pm. Rich will discuss the promise of liquid cooling immersion technology with Sandeep Ahuja of Intel, Sunlai Chang of Wiwynn Corporation, Phillip Tuma of 3M, Joe Capes of LiquidStack, and John Major of Page Southerland Page.

Attendees will learn about the unique capabilities of 2-phase immersion liquid cooling and the problems it’s helping to solve. This high-powered group of industry leaders will also discuss:

  • The impact of this technology on cooling costs, sustainability and data center design
  • Practical input on how it can be applied and important items which you should pay attention to
  • The evolutionary changes immersion cooling is driving in the data center and HPC ecosystem

There will be a live question and answer session during the event.

Don’t miss this live webinar and discussion on Thursday, August 26th. Register today for “Push vs. Pull: Rising Rack Densities & The Cooling Conundrum.” 

(Can’t make the live event?  Register now and get automatically notified when the session is available for ‘On Demand’ viewing.)

About the Author

Kathy Hitchens

Kathy Hitchens has been writing professionally for more than 30 years. She focuses on the renewable energy, electric vehicle, utility, data center, and financial services sectors. Kathy has a BFA from the University of Arizona and a MBA from the University of Denver.  

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