COVID-19 Resources for Data Center Professionals

April 8, 2020
Here’s a list of industry resources for data center professionals about the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, including best practices from industry groups, perspective from analysts, and policies and contingency plans for data center providers.

Here’s a list of industry resources for data center professionals , including expert guidance and best practices from industry groups, perspective from analysts, and disclosures from data center providers about their policies and contingency plans for managing operations through the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis.

Industry Resources

Uptime Institute: Minimizing Digital Facility Risk: A report from Uptime outlining key operational strategies forthe pandemic, with accompanying webinars, tools and bulletins.

Keeping The Datacenter Lights On During the Crisis: Penny Jones of 451 Research examines the early implications of the COVID-18 crisis for multi-tenant data centers.

Coronavirus Implications for Data Center Strategies:  Analysis from Kirk Killian of Partners National, via Mission Critical, based upon active project discussions with enterprise clients on data center procurement and renewal projects.

COVID-19 May Push the World Over The Digital Transformation Edge: Bruce Taylor of the Digital Infra Network projects that “this may well prove to be a defining moment in the transition to the Digital Transformation of the global economy.”

Data Center Operators Are Essential Workers Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: A summary of the U.S. CISA guidelines on essential employees from Christian Dawson, Executive Director of the i2 Coalition.


The Critical Role of Data Centers in the COVID-19 Crisis: “The Coronavirus crisis has reinforced the importance of data centers and what they do.” Data Center Frontier editor Rich Miller speaks with DataGryd CEO Thomas Brown on The Interconnection Hub podcast.

How Coronavirus Has Impacted DCH and The Data Center Industry: datacenterHawk’s David Liggett and Mike Netzer discuss the arly phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impected their operations and the data center industry.

Data Center Service Provider COVID Information

Have a question about COVID-19 policiees and precautions at your data center? Most major data center service providers have set up pages for Coronavirus policy and operations updates. Here’s a list of some prominent providers.

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About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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