Edge Computing Supports New Strategies, New Players

June 22, 2018
Edge computing comprises a broad spectrum of technologies and use cases, enabling new strategies for end users and service providers alike. Here’s a look at Data Center Frontier’s latest coverage of edge trends and players.

Computing is moving to the edge of the network. What will this look like? What’s becoming clear is that edge computing comprises a broad spectrum of technologies and use cases, creating the potential for different use cases and strategies, for end users and service providers alike.

At Data Center Frontier, we continue to track edge computing, and how it will change the way we deploy IT infrastructure. Read on for a window into today’s trends in edge computing, as well as new data center initiatives that are turning to “the edge”:

Big Picture Trends in Edge Computing

The Evolution of Edge Computing: A Look at the Road Ahead: Data center providers are seeking to clarify their strategies for the edge. In a complex, multi-tier edge landscape, there will likely be many flavors of success.

Edge is Eating Away at the Cloud, and The Data Center Will Benefit: Edge computing installations will be distributed, denser versions of traditional data centers. They will support new applications and services, and send data – and business – back to core data centers.

How Businesses Are Targeting the Edge

Companies continue to launch initiatives focused on edge computing. This includes a range of service providers, telecom companies, and larger businesses like LinkedIn, which has begun deploying edge data centers in anticipation of a massive layer of “EdgeCloud” infrastructure.

Here are some of the latest stories from Data Center Frontier that outline expansive moves in the edge computing and colocation industry:

Compass Extends its Reach From the Edge to the Cloud: Compass Datacenters has bought EdgePoint Systems and BitBox USA, two distributed computing specialists that will form the nucleus of a new edge computing initiative, Compass EdgePoint.

An illustration of a Compass EdgePoint data center housed at a corporate loading dock, with power infrastructure and secure entrance. (Image: Compass Datacenters)

DC BLOX Raises $37 Million for Edge Sites in Southeast: DC BLOX is among a group of data center startups looking to build smaller facilities in regional markets. The company has lined up $37 million to fund its next phase of growth.

LinkedIn Plans for Huge Growth for the EdgeCloud: LinkedIn sees edge computing as a huge driver of infrastructure growth. The company has begun deploying edge data centers, and using the Open19 project as a platform for future design innovations to power smaller facilities.

Early Mover DartPoints Targets Edge Projects at Towers, Universities: DartPoints was an early mover in edge computing, launching back in 2012. The company is in growth mode, with new modular data center deployments at telecom towers and universities.

Vapor IO’s Edge Data Centers Power a Network of Drones: Vapor IO edge data centers will serve as launch stations and data hubs for Hangar drones as they fly missions to collect and analyze oceans of business data.

Keep pace with the fact-moving world of data centers by following us on Twitter and Facebook, connecting with Data Center Frontier editor Rich Miller on LinkedIn, and signing up for our weekly newspaper using the form below. 

Explore the evolving world of edge computing further through Data Center Frontier’s special report series and ongoing coverage.

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